5 Reasons Why International Students are Rejected from BS/MD Programs

I receive calls and emails from parents whose children desire entrance into U.S. BS/MD Programs.  Their children have high GPAs, top standardize test scores;  they have completed research or produced biotechnology projects; they have a resume that’s 3-pages long and attended top high schools in their country with IB programs or challenging courses.

Even with these accolades, the admissions process is competitive and there are a limited number of U.S. BS/MD programs.  Here are 5 reasons why I feel international students INCREASE their chances of being REJECTED from BS/MD programs:

  1. Lack of meaningful extracirricular activities: It’s not all about research and shadowing!
  2. Poorly communicating through applications and essays:  Bad writing leads to instant rejections. Poorly constructed essays, regardless of your achievements, result in instant rejections.
  3. Weak letters of recommendations:  A glowing letter of recommendation does not necessarily guarantee admissions.  In many cases, it’s not what the recommender writes it’s how it’s written.
  4. Poor interview skills:  Interviewers have to like you.  They have to want you in their program.  It doesn’t matter how brilliant you are.  You have to understand U.S. cultural norms.  Remember, you are applying to BS/MD programs in the U.S.!
  5. Not hiring a BS/MD expert:  What makes you believe that you know more than a BS/MD expert who visits colleges with BS/MD programs and has more than 20 years of experience and know-how?

After years of preparation, why make mistakes that will increase your child’s chances of being REJECTED?

We know the value of our services because when our clients are admitted to BS/MD programs, it’s and indicator for guaranteed income in their future.


“Admissions is a competitive sport!  Why gamble with uncertainty?” – Dr. Paul Lowe

Dr. Paul Reginald Lowe is the managing director of Pinnacle Educational Center Admissions Advisors Group network.  He and his team of admissions advisors, through the admissions affiliate, BS/MD Admissions Advisors, help high school students get accepted to BS/MD programs.  Summer Camp:  BS/MD Application Boot Camp.