What BS/MD Programs Mean to Many of Dr. Lowe’s Clients


For parents of my clients who immigrated to the US, higher education is a symbol of upward mobility, a life-altering path to meaningful careers and financial stability.  A medical degree, specifically one obtained through a direct BS/MD program, is a definitive path to becoming a medical doctor.

“The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi


For many of my client-families, education is an important means to achieve the four aims of human life, namely dharma (virtue), artha (wealth), kama (pleasure) and moksha (liberation). Vidya or education is the means by which an individual can gain the right knowledge, control his desires and learn to perform his obligatory duties.

Dr. Paul Lowe and his team of admissions experts help many of his clients successfully attain this career track while in high school through BS/MD Admissions Advisors. This is one of the reasons why he has been in practice for 28 years with unmatched results!

For H-4 high school students, this means that they will be U.S. medical doctors – an immigration benefit, in addition to the job security.



Dr. Paul Reginald Lowe is the managing director of Pinnacle Educational Center Admissions Advisors Group network.  He and his team of admissions advisors, through the admissions affiliate, BS/MD Admissions Advisors, help high school students get accepted to BS/MD programs. As a result of his continuous clients’ acceptances into BS/MD programs, his clients have considered him: BS/MD Admissions Guru.

Our BS/MD Admissions practice is specialized: Dr. Lowe and his team ONLY work with parents who understand that the BS/MD admissions process is highly competitive and thus desire help from an admissions expert. They appreciate the value and investment in paying for expert advice consisting of a detailed and ongoing comprehensive admissions advisory service for their child’s dream of becoming a doctor.  He also specializes in helping international students in the BS/MD process. Parents who chose to use our services want to call their son or daughter – “Doctor” when they are seniors in high school.